The Stormont Roots

As your partner in financial growth, SFS is committed to providing support, accountability, and motivation. We’re here to offer expert guidance and wisdom so you can be confident in knowing you’re financially prepared for what lies ahead.

Family Tree

There’s the family you’re born into and the family you choose – and we’re grateful our clients have chosen us. Our goal is to cultivate a network of support and growth so that together, we sustain a family tree that will flourish for generations.

Growth Guide

Like trees, we’re all constantly growing. We’re here to help you prune as needed and grow toward your ideal future.

Strength in the Storm

One thing is certain – our lives won’t turn out exactly the way we planned. We help ensure that you’re protected from the worst as you reach for the best. Our mission is to look after your entire financial ecosystem so no matter what happens, you will have protections in place.